I was reminded yesterday as I did my devotion on the importance of clinging tightly to the Word of God. Psalm 119.105- "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
Just like how we need to inhale oxygen to power the cells of our body, likewise God's Word should be the perfect antidote for any stressful, hapless moment and the perfect soothing balm for any troubled soul. God's Word is where we seek wisdom, direction and encouragement. The perfect Word for every season of the soul.
The one question I knew I had to answer was this: What happens to your trust in God when you neglect the Bible?
I know for sure that my trust in God will surely waver should I not cultivate a close and lasting relationship with Him through the reading of His Word. I will start to doubt and allow worry and anxiety to set in because I cannot rebuke the lie of the enemy and proclaim that God is in control of every situation in my life. I won't be able to say that my life is truly surrendered to His will and purpose for me because I start to make decisions and judgements based on my own human understanding.
It is so easy to get sidetracked when we lose sight of Jesus. The wisdom of the world can only bring us to a certain level of trust and understanding, for instance, I can listen to my doctor's advice and take a pill to relieve my headache, but God's wisdom found in the pages of the Bible can elevate me to a higher and fulfilling level of trust in Him because I know He is able to completely heal me of the headache. All I need is to turn to Him and ask.
I pray that I can truly be a woman that literally clings on to the word of God for my life. This way, when tough times come, I can rely on those trust-building moments of intimacy with Him to bring me through.
Psalm 56:13:
"..that I may walk in Your presence o God, in Your life-giving light."