Saturday, 3 April 2010

give thanks to the Lord our God and King, His love endures forever.

I thank God for my favourite things:
#1 a warm room with a nice comfy bed to rest and snuggle up after a tiring day at work.
#2 good hearty meals that i can enjoy preparing and eating.
#3 my family in God whom I can share life with, encourage, listen and fellowship with.
#4 a laptop and technology which I can use to communicate with my family back in Malaysia, to surf the internet and widen my horizons on the world of travel, food and culture (three of my favourite topics!)

God, I thank you for all that You have done for me, I bless you and praise You for You are indeed a good God, who only desires to give good gifts to Your beloved children.
In every season, You are there.
Surely there is none like You.
God, I pray that for every soul out there that is searching for the truth, they will find You-the way, the truth and the life, and the truth will set them free. Amen.

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